Run Fast Android Emulators with Intel HAXM

Run Fast Android Emulators with Intel HAXM

Now you can accelerate Android Emulator in Visual Studio using Intel Hardware Acceleration Execution Manager for x86 images!

Steps to follow:

  1. Open CMD as administrator
  2. Disable Hyper-V by entering “bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off”
  3. Restart your PC
  4. Install Intel HAXM from Visual Studio Installer or manually from here
  5. After install, run any Xamarin Android project on x86 based emulator. You will see how fast the emulator will load because now it’s running with Intel HAXM.
Note: Intel HAXM only work with Intel CPU that supports Intel VT-x.

Does My Processor Support Intel® Virtualization Technology?

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